Going to this particular meet up has always been one of my ultimate dreams. And after 2 years of promising myself I finally made it and here's my reflections on the weekend.
From starstruck to ultimate humility.
Friday - The first night was a general catch up drinks before the big day, I had met Tom before but he was more bubbly than I ever remembered and was good to catch up on a big chat about pretty much everything regarding the site. Hope I can say this, it's not slowing down! :D
The bar that was chosen (not sure who by) was called BARCADE. It was a Bar mixed with numerous arcade machines, which even though I didn't end up playing any still had fun pointing out some old classics.
I finally got around to catching up with the likes of Hania & James Lee (tarboy double), Jazza, Moonkey and ZEEDOX (Larry/Elvidian Crew), NegativeOne, JohnnyUtah, Evil-Dog, Luis & the sexy RicePirate shit... I can't list them all, I got a little drunk. There's a few by name but I can't remember their Alias' (Victor contribute more...) And I might just not have met them that night.
The next morning was fun I went driving with Tom to get the mountains of chicken nuggets and mountains of pretzels which I was pleasantly surprised were gone the before the night was through!
I'm not sure how many photos were taken throughout the whole night and I don't know if/when they'll be eventually uploaded. But, I just wanted to say how nice it was to meet and greet Oney, PsychicPebbles, DonkeysBazooka, Hans, Afro-Ninja, Rubber Ninja, Zombie-Pimp, Tomamoto, Jaxxy & esspecially EgoRaptor who was really humble with what I got to (after being a fan for years) wanted to say. I missed the chance to chat to Harry & Sucho, though I'm sure he was ultimately hassled the most so I didn't want to bug him too much. :)
That's the big dogs out of the way! I then had the ultimate pleasure to chill and joke and smoke and talk shit with some of the most awesome people I have ever met.
I'm talking to you Mick, Michael, Ockeroid, Luis, Jose, Jeff, Jonas, Jordan & Sabrina. Even though I'm sure I called you Saf the entire time and could never make the connection all the stuff I already followed on here and on DA. Lol soz <3.
You guys were all cool from the start, and continued to impress me the more we hung out!
Special thanks to Swain and Jonas for staying up with me all night because I just wanted to keep partying.
There were a lot of you I missed the chance to hold a decent conversation yet, but I blame myself for drinking so much and not having enough time! Haha
In conclusion,
I love the whole trip to Philly, looking forward to the NY meet up and can't wait until next year. If I missed anyone I am generally sorry I didn't do it deliberately!
You're all a fucking cool bunch of kids! I already miss you all!
I made a pico day cartoon. But I suggest not watching it.