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Sam Green @SamGreen

Age 38, Male



Joined on 3/8/02

Exp Points:
3,344 / 3,600
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5.98 votes
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11y 4m 17d

SamGreen's News

Posted by SamGreen - January 4th, 2022

Just donated to the Flash Forward Jam 2022!

I miss the old Newgrounds days, good luck to all participants!!! Can't wait to see what's made!


^ Those of you wondering what I've been up to... The past 10 years I migrated mostly to YouTube: Sam Green Media



Posted by SamGreen - September 3rd, 2019

Today a dog who was saved by the internet (mostly the kind people from Newgrounds) over 10 years ago has finally passed after fighting his last day of cancer.

If it wasn't for all the kind-hearted people out there he wouldn't have lived life to his fullest. #RIPBlizzard

History on Blizzard's story: https://newgrounds.fandom.com/wiki/Save_Blizzard



Posted by SamGreen - October 23rd, 2014

Hello Newgrounds!

A few years back me and a bunch of buddies competed in the NG MOVIE JAM and within 48 Hours we came up with this poop: TOO SCARED TO POOP

Flash forward to today and we’re all still great pals and decided to do the same thing again! This time on our own accord. However we want to do it live this time and because this is just for fun we’d love to have your support.

It’s a free event with the option to donate, but having you help share/support us will be great alone.

See below for the official trailer.

Love you guys,
Sam & The Cave Jammers


Posted by SamGreen - June 13th, 2014

It sucks as this video is over 3 years old. My finacial and living situations back then were bare minimum. I had the episode half finished for years before attempting to finish it. 

A group of fans formed together desperate for the ending. They helped raise $500 for me to dedicate 2 weeks to finished the episode (which was clearly not enough time in heinsight). I wish I could go back and reanimate it today as I see fits. It FEELS RUSHED, I agree. It is the story how I planned to make it unfold however it sorrows me (and half the reason it was never released here on newgrounds before) to have it end the way it did.

Though; all that aside I ask for the audience for a pass on this. The story grew from a 'nothing lols' to something that people started to enjoy. I made a story from nothing and now is so vivid in my mind I know that one day it will be retold. Retold in a way I think it deserves.

For a 10 year evolving animator I've learnt so many lessons on the way I can't be ashamed of this. As an animator I've learnt that there's no easy lessons with 'right' or 'wrong'.

Ripping/taking advantage off memes, music, pop culture... They're all stepping stones of faith in you as an animator and growth as you as person and entertainer. 

I appreciate all the extensive reviews, nothing has caught me off guard. Releasing this is more of a 'SHIT, WHY THE FUCK NOT!?' for those that require closure. 

For those craving more depth. More story telling. More EPIC... I'm with you in that boat. As soon as the time is right, I plan to remake the entire story. The way I think it deserves to be told.

A quick thank you to all the devoted fans that have taken the time to let me know how you feel. Whether negative or positive. I'm not absent minded with how it's ended. I offer no apologies, more of an offering to meet me half way with life and circumstances. 


Episode 7: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/640507

Posted by SamGreen - April 9th, 2014

Well seems some of us Animators think alike... Oh well I made one as well if you'd like to check it out: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/637046



Posted by SamGreen - September 30th, 2012

Made this with Ricepirate, Ninjaco & HbrunaV! Go watch and let me know what you think!


(I did the backgrounds as seen below)

New Animation - Movie Jam 2

Posted by SamGreen - May 1st, 2012

Going to this particular meet up has always been one of my ultimate dreams. And after 2 years of promising myself I finally made it and here's my reflections on the weekend.

From starstruck to ultimate humility.
Friday - The first night was a general catch up drinks before the big day, I had met Tom before but he was more bubbly than I ever remembered and was good to catch up on a big chat about pretty much everything regarding the site. Hope I can say this, it's not slowing down! :D

The bar that was chosen (not sure who by) was called BARCADE. It was a Bar mixed with numerous arcade machines, which even though I didn't end up playing any still had fun pointing out some old classics.

I finally got around to catching up with the likes of Hania & James Lee (tarboy double), Jazza, Moonkey and ZEEDOX (Larry/Elvidian Crew), NegativeOne, JohnnyUtah, Evil-Dog, Luis & the sexy RicePirate shit... I can't list them all, I got a little drunk. There's a few by name but I can't remember their Alias' (Victor contribute more...) And I might just not have met them that night.

The next morning was fun I went driving with Tom to get the mountains of chicken nuggets and mountains of pretzels which I was pleasantly surprised were gone the before the night was through!

I'm not sure how many photos were taken throughout the whole night and I don't know if/when they'll be eventually uploaded. But, I just wanted to say how nice it was to meet and greet Oney, PsychicPebbles, DonkeysBazooka, Hans, Afro-Ninja, Rubber Ninja, Zombie-Pimp, Tomamoto, Jaxxy & esspecially EgoRaptor who was really humble with what I got to (after being a fan for years) wanted to say. I missed the chance to chat to Harry & Sucho, though I'm sure he was ultimately hassled the most so I didn't want to bug him too much. :)

That's the big dogs out of the way! I then had the ultimate pleasure to chill and joke and smoke and talk shit with some of the most awesome people I have ever met.

I'm talking to you Mick, Michael, Ockeroid, Luis, Jose, Jeff, Jonas, Jordan & Sabrina. Even though I'm sure I called you Saf the entire time and could never make the connection all the stuff I already followed on here and on DA. Lol soz <3.

You guys were all cool from the start, and continued to impress me the more we hung out!
Special thanks to Swain and Jonas for staying up with me all night because I just wanted to keep partying.

There were a lot of you I missed the chance to hold a decent conversation yet, but I blame myself for drinking so much and not having enough time! Haha

In conclusion,
I love the whole trip to Philly, looking forward to the NY meet up and can't wait until next year. If I missed anyone I am generally sorry I didn't do it deliberately!

You're all a fucking cool bunch of kids! I already miss you all!

I made a pico day cartoon. But I suggest not watching it.


Pico Day at NewGrounds

Posted by SamGreen - December 26th, 2011

So made this in about 6 hours Christmas day.
Then RicePirate added the appropriate voices.
Then I released and lost a few subscribers on Youtube.

Still had fun making my family watch it though.

GO VOTE WHATEVER YOU LIKE. I don't care anymore.
Santa Came!


And also probably, maybe, hopefully my minecraft animation I've been working on for over 3 months. Eeeeek!

MERRY SPROGMAS!! (xmas anim)

Posted by SamGreen - December 6th, 2011

*** PROGRESS FORUM: http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/12 84173 ***

Theme: Skyrim
Dimensions: 700 x 400
Frame Rate: 24 fps
Due: 12/12/2011

Instructions: Make any sort of Skyrim animation for my collab (with Carbonwater)

Newgrounds PM me your FLA file (hosted in your NGs dump: http://newgrounds.com/dump)

You only have a week, so work hard! Do your best anyone can join, it can be short!

No sign up necessary. Kgo.

Any Questions just PM me or comment below.


Posted by SamGreen - July 13th, 2011

Yep, I'm gunna start my sleeve on my right arm. Black ink only (probably)
Featuring such characters as:
- Bitey(confirmed)
- Tarboy (confirmed)
- Pigpen (confirmed)
- Larry(confirmed)
- Tankman
- Pico
- Alien Homind
- Newgrouds logo
- Leo & Satan (confirmed)
- Gameoverse (Gobbles and Flapper)
- any more suggestions?

I'm starting with either tar boy or bitey as I know they're already confirmed permission. :)


NewGrounds Tattoo