Yep, I'm gunna start my sleeve on my right arm. Black ink only (probably)
Featuring such characters as:
- Bitey(confirmed)
- Tarboy (confirmed)
- Pigpen (confirmed)
- Larry(confirmed)
- Tankman
- Pico
- Alien Homind
- Newgrouds logo
- Leo & Satan (confirmed)
- Gameoverse (Gobbles and Flapper)
- any more suggestions?
I'm starting with either tar boy or bitey as I know they're already confirmed permission. :)
Why not just make up your own NG logo.
<a href=""> kbaronking/newgrounds-logo-final-hw</a>
*(This is more of a watermark logo)
But you get the something that encompasses everything you like about NG in your own style. And make it so that it compliments your arm.
Since your from Australia, might I suggest incorporating Maori style stripes along with NG characters.
Yeah I see what your saying. All the characters will be in same coloring style and I want them all inter-twined some how. Like I said Bitey most likely first. Big inspiration and impact on my animation career.
The other characters are those of artists I've met and respect.
It'll be a long term development on the tattoo starting high and working down. Gradually making itself into a full sleeve.