I have a new interactive Flash movie out: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/
Blizzard's Story
It was a strange morning. I could sense that something was wrong. I woke up, same time as always, and headed straight out to feed my dog, Blizzard, and top up his water bowl. But as I leaned over and turned on the hose, the tap snapped and water started gushing. I quickly ran around to the front of the house to turn off the main water supply.
That's when I saw Blizzard.
My normally happy, tongue-flailing, tail-wagging puppy was limping on three legs. His front right paw was swollen and bleeding. I quickly bandaged him up as best I could and called the vet.
The vet needed a set of X-rays ($120 AUD) to tell exactly what had happened to Blizzard's leg. The X-rays didn't come out all that great, but you could see that Blizzard had dislocated his 'wrist' --- that hinge between his paw and leg. It's kind of like an ankle.
After reviewing the X-rays, the vet said we had two options:
Blizzard could go to a specialist and have it operated on (cost: thousands of dollars)
The vet could bandage him up with a splint for several weeks and let it heal naturally (cost: hundreds of dollars)
At this stage, I barely had hundreds of dollars, so I had no choice but option #2.
Exactly how Blizzard fractured his 'wrist' is, to this day, still a mystery. There is one theory, though.
I believe that early that morning Blizzard was digging under the fence (probably trying to say "hello" to the neighbour's dogs) and accidentally got his leg stuck under the fence.
From what we could tell from the X-ray, it looked as if he had struggled and jolted out of a position, dislocating his 'paw' from his 'wrist' or ankle. Being only 9 months old and full of energy, it's no surprise he got himself in a fix.
Fast forward eight weeks and it was time to take a new set of X-rays. This time it was much more serious. Blizzard's wrist/ankle had been healing all right, but in the wrong direction!
A Horrible Choice
That's when I was given the biggest ultimatum of my life. I had to decide whether to go ahead with a $4,000 surgery to correct this...or have his leg amputated ($600).
What kind of a choice was that for my best friend?
I was not in a good way. I had to decide whether or not Blizzard would get to keep his leg. This choice wouldn't be so hard if money grew on trees. But I'm only 23-years-old and just starting my own graphic/web design business. I finally have enough work to support myself without an extra job, but I don't have any savings! Not even close to $4,000. :(
Luckily, my Dad was visiting from the States when all of this was happening. He supplied endless amounts of support and showed me a couple of websites dedicated to dogs living happy lives with three legs. I knew deep down that Blizzard would be okay even if he did only have three legs. But I still wasn't happy about it.
There was more. The vet told me that with amputation comes a high risk of arthritis due to the extra weight and stress put on the front left leg. Most small dogs are fine, but Blizzard's not a small boy. I've been feeding him generously, and from the day he was born, he was always towering over his brothers and sisters.
All I remember is what was going through my head.
What would life be like if Blizzard only had three legs - only 9 months old, unable to experience life to the fullest? He's a Siberian husky. They have a lot of energy! This type of dog needs to run and walk every day.
What would life be like if I had to put him down because he was in too much pain? The idea of it instantly brought me to tears, and writing it now as he lies at my feet is unbelievably upsetting.
But how could I afford a $4,000 surgery?
What Would You Choose?
What would you do? What if this were your dog? Your best friend? What if you had to make this decision for yourself?
I know what you'd choose. You'd chose the same thing I did --- surgery. Even if I had to go back to a dead end job, even if I had to stack shelves and serve customers with a fake smile, even if I had to backtrack my future for a few months and then start from scratch, my best buddy was going to have that surgery.
My Dad told me he'd give me $1,000. I said I couldn't take it. I was too proud. It's not his problem, it's mine, I told him.
But then he explained it all to me. "Do you really think Suzie would let you not accept this money?"
I laughed. Suzie is my Dad's wife. She absolutely adores life and every living thing in it. I say 'thing' instead of creature, because she even loves trees and nature. She has four cats (possibly five by now, knowing Suzie) that she has rescued and adopted. She feeds the squirrels and birds outside her house, she rescues drowning ants out of the pool and has a bumper sticker on her car that says "I brake for animals." She even has her own pet sitting business. Without the support of animal lovers like Suzie, and without my Dad's help, I'd feel alone.
Calling All Animal Lovers
I have put my greatest skill to its greatest use by developing this web site to tell Blizzard's story and humbly ask for the generous help of other animal lovers like you.
I'm not going to beg you to donate money, but I'd be happy if you did --- even $1. If you can't donate, there are other ways to help.
I am an animator, graphic designer and a web designer for hire. I can help you with your business. If you don't have a business and don't need help with a web site at this time, please refer me to anyone you know who may need my services. I'm happy to barter and to exchange my services for a donation.
You can also help by forwarding Blizzard's page to your friends, family, animal lovers, dog lovers and Siberian husky fans. Even cat people. Suzie says cat people love dogs, too!
I will happily supply copies of vet bills and keep this site updated so you can follow Blizzard's story.
Thank you so much for reading. And if you donate, God bless.
Sam Green (Blizzard's person)