I felt like I had to review this.
Several things bothered me about this animation, but I'll start with the positives!
The idea is actually quite interesting I love the twist on the typical stylization of the stick figure world and if you've got something funny planned to follow you defiantly
should endure that and complete the series.
Having said that it sores me to say that I know a rough 20 stick animators that could not only out 'animate' you but also out 'draw' you. There is obviously the cliché' stick animations out there, but that's not blamed upon the stick figures it's blamed on the young flash artists that start out and don't know what animation and story telling is all about. And most come to realise it in the following years, if they stick to it.
My point is that moving/animating a stick figure is possibly the BEST way to improve your animation and timing. All throughout your animation you tweened your characters and even made fun of yourself for it. I've gone and checked your other animations and they're exactly the same. There's nothing wrong with tweening it's in there for a reason but the best part about STICK FIGURES is if animated properly (Frame-By-Frame) It'll look 100 times better than your flash we've all just watched.
You're short cutting your art work the background have no lighting and the colours are very dull.
Don't think I'm being a prick because it's not my intention. Basically in the Animation world you'll come across a lot of Constructive Criticism (some good and some bad).
The thing that annoys me is it looks like you're not pushing yourself you have over 60 animations submitted to Newgrounds in over 3 years but your progress and skill levels aren't advancing.
Take your time on the characters (it's not like you draw them more than once)
Take time on your backgrounds (same deal)
If you do take the things I've mentioned into consideration then you might actually get something better than a 4th best animation submitted for that day.
Good luck!