A messed up parody thrown together of some recent popular influences, including twilight, and the room. This one has seemed to slip under the radar a bit so make sure you check it out! Some great voice acting in it from Sam T of EbolaWorld and Erica, my new favorite female voice actor.
The Prey - Short
I have BIG plans for this concept and I'm very happy it was so well received even though it's so short! Like... last night I had a revelation while considering it's basic concept and it really SHOULD be in short, Epic.
If I win anything in this Halloween Competition I'll be so excited as I'm saving towards a new (larger) graphics tablet. If I get THAT then my art will be improved and my animations will come out more often with more depth! Heck i'd even prefer a intuos over 1st prize, even though I'm sure I know who's already taking the cake on that one!
Anyway I'll stop rambling... It's been a full on 3-4 weeks but I hope you think it's worth it because I got 2 animations out of it! :) Until next time... take care.
Sam Green
P.S Killing Spree VII is coming December 2010.
these movies are nice, expecially twilloween ! but we want killing spree VII ! Hope you can grant us this wish