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Age 38, Male
Joined on 3/8/02
I laughed, but- come on:
Ads? They aren't working for me... lol And I gotta pay the bills some how bro.
make killing spree 7 already.
I am after I release my Swine Flu Animation XD
yo mummas hawt
LOL I'll be sure to pass it on...!
For some reason i loved your mothers day animation...still like that viejo
viejo? I don't get cha...
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Well...nothing much tosay except that i LOVE IT SO FREAKING MUCH!
You go sam!
Thanks zackie!!!
Happy mothers day! (in australia).
You have a great mum!
LOL thanks. I'll pass it on.
def thought you dissapeard man...KS7 and all i mean, its been a while ahha. Thanks man.
KS7 is still coming, check my website for additional info! :D
Hey dude,
It's been awhile, how's it all going? :) Nice job with this animation, it was fun and touching! I hope to see more work from you in the near future man. Take care and best of luck with everything. :)
Shocky! I need your voice talents! Contact me~
-Samus :)
Been a fan of Killing spree from the beginning Mr. Green.
Keep up the good work and ill keep watching.
Thanks for the entertainment.
Thanks Jackal, your name definatly rings a bell.
Hope to see you around a bit more.
I'm quite worried that you drew you mum like that...
But, I liked it :)
ROFL... it's just a cartoon ^_^
Hopefully this helps when you get back to stick figures
LOL i doubt it, KS7 will be my last stick figure animation probably...
I really loved the flash and the--somewhat--clean humor you put in there, I hope your mom enjoys it as much as I did.
Your mum seems nice
LOL pretty funny! Great animation dude!
It's nice, but you are Australian? I'm not American, I'm from England and I say mum!
your the coolst guy I know
That was pretty sweet, like the art.
Well thank you! :)